Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Par-tay Cheese Dip!!

This is a HUGE party favorite!! Everyone LOOOVES cheese dip! 
It's so super simple!
You can make it on the stove on low or you can stick it in the crock pot
til' later!!  Either way = DELISH!!!

1-2 lbs ground beef or turkey
2 cans rotel or 1 jar of salsa (you can also use fresh salsa)
8 oz of sour cream
1 big block of velvetta cheese
All seasoning (this is for your meat, you can use almost anything)

Begin to saute your onion and once translucent you can add your meat.  Continue cooking your seasoned meat until its completely cooked. Drain.
In a separate pot, simmer the cheese on low until its completely melted...(You may want to spray or butter your pan so the bottom layer doesnt stick).  When the cheese has completely melted you can add your drained meat and the rest of your ingredients...  Continue to simmer until all the flavors marry together!

Dani :)

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